Thursday, February 21, 2008

New Product Review: Bodyshape

Okay, so once again I decided to delve right in and try a new product.

Now, to be honest,I felt a bit more informed, so I was confident that this time around I would get different results.

First up to bat--Bodyshape.

After my last post, I rush ordered it and awaited it with great anticipation. As soon as it arrived, I tried it but I should have read the instructions about testing it on an area of the skin prior to applying.

The stuff kinda broke me out. Bad.

I do have very sensitive skin, so I should have realized that I was potentially going to have to be a tad more careful when testing cellulite creams.

Now, my cellulite has little red itchy bumps all over it--not pretty.

Dang--and that stuff cost me $99 bucks plush shipping and handling!

well, that's what I get for being hasty, but I tried it largely because the product contained three of the main items on my top cellulite busters list, namely green tea, Kukui nut oil and caffeine.

Not sure what my skin was reacting to--don't think it was caffeine or green tea--could be the kukui oil?

Maybe--but Bodyshape has a slight fragrance so maybe I was reacting to that. Whatever it was, all I know right now is that I can't use Bodyshape at all...bummer....